

Designer Bag Cleaning

High quality designer handbags should last a lifetime, but in order to make that happen, they need to be cleaned annually or when it is lightly or moderately soiled. Waiting until the handbag is heavily soiled reduces the chance for the best possible results. At Pristine Fine Dry Cleaning, we will inspect your handbag for imperfections and address what we can to ensure that it looks as good as it did on day one.

Beyond cleaning, we can often make repairs to any minor tears or torn seams. More major repairs such as shortening straps, replacing zippers, may require us working with the manufacturer when possible.

*While PFDC makes every attempt to restore all bags to their original beauty, certain stains may not be removable.

With some small upkeep, your bag will attract all the attention that it should.

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506 9th St. N,
Naples, Florida 34102

4596 Tamiami Trail N,
Naples, Florida 34103
